Thank you for choosing Customs Manger to be your customs agent for bringing goods into the UK. We are proud to serve you.
We have just to submit the customs declaration on your behalf.
Please review the instructions for this customs clearance (refer to the document with the customer reference no / LRN), as we have created this customs declaration based on it.
To avoid delays at Border Control Posts, it is imperative to ensure that, where non-inventory-linked ports are used, the GMR is correctly and wholly scanned at the ferry/tunnel terminal in the exporting country.
Failure to do so may result in delays and additional costs.
About Duties & Taxes
Based on the information you provided in your declaration, HMRC has calculated the taxes and duties that must be paid for your goods. Between now and the time your goods arrive, the taxes on your goods may be subject to change.
It is probable that Customs Duty was paid (if applicable) using the Customs Manager Clearance Ltd. Deferment Account.
Import VAT was likely paid using your specified account.
Official Foreign currency exchange rates are used to calculate the customs value of imported goods. HMRC’s Exchange rate has been applied. You can review this here:
If you are unsure about what applies to your specific situation, please get in touch. You can book a free expert call at any time using our booking system at
We recommend that you review these carefully to ensure the correct taxes are paid, deferred and postponed as appropriate.
What Happens Next
HMRC’s Customs Declaration Service (CDS) has pre-lodged your declaration for when your goods cross the border. Your goods must arrive within 30 days; otherwise, your declaration will be rejected.
Your transporter or haulier may be required to obtain a GB ENS Safety & Security declaration before they arrive at the border. We can also do that for them; please get in touch.
You will need to provide them with the MRN for your import declaration so they can generate the Goods Movement Reference (GMR).We can also do that for you.
When the goods arrive in Great Britain, the declaration is legally binding and will be accepted by the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
CDS will update us when the goods can be cleared or if any checks need to be made.
 We can only amend the declaration if your goods are held at the border or any queries are raised.
Clearing UK customs with this declaration is an agreement between your agreement with the customs declaration and the information we have submitted on your behalf.
Disclaimer: We have created and submitted your customs declaration using the information you supplied through the export documentation. As you will be aware, you are responsible for ensuring that all necessary information is correct and has been included. HM Revenue and Customs will charge interest and possibly penalties on any omissions discovered later.
Please notify us of any changes before goods have cleared customs in the UK, as post-clearance changes are challenging and lengthy.
If you have any questions, please email us at